Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Last night I made a successful meal! This does not happen very often, as both Russ and I are too busy to make anything more complicated than mac and cheese or cold cereal. I made Bruschetta 'n' Cheese Stuffed Chicken, from a recipe that I found here. I served it with brown rice and spinach salad. Russell was pleased. Thanks Kraft Kitchens for making both our nights. Here's to the start of my endeavor to be a brilliant cooking housewife...one chicken dinner at a time.


Lindsay Cutler said...

I loved the post! I remember when Dave and I were very first married I made an attempt to make brown rice...yeah I didn't salt it or season it or anything. Its nickname STILL TO THIS DAY, and I am reminded of it ANY TIME I MAKE A CRAP MEAL is....."Bum Rice." The chicken looks yummy!!!

Sara said...

Hahahaha Aub you are the best. Lets hang out soon. I want to hear about Russ' escapades on the hiking adventure. I miss youuu. Love you.

Jessica said...

Yum! I need to follow suite...I think Nate is getting sick of omelettes for every meal...

Diane said...

Aubrey! It looks great. Did you really put cheese in it? What a cute wife. Love you.

allison said...

yum!!! i'll have to try that, it looks so good! we need to get together friend!