Monday, August 10, 2009


Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Target
2. Shade Clothing
3. BYU Games Center
4. BYU Division of Continuing Education
(How convenient that I've only had four jobs in my life.)

Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Pride and Prejudice
2. Amélie
3. Glory Road
4. The Princess Bride

Four places I have lived:
1. Seattle, Washington
2. Logan, Utah
3. Paris, France
4. American Fork, Utah

Four TV Shows that I watch:
1. America's Next Top Model
2. Snapped
3. American Idol
4. Seinfeld

Four places I have traveled to:
1. Calgary, Alberta
2. London, England
3. Maui, Hawaii
4. Washington D.C.

Four people who email me regularly:
1. Tiffani
2. Katie
3. Melissa
4. People Magazine

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Pudding cake
2. Grilled pineapple
3. Fettucine Alfredo
4. Waffles

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Paris with Russell
2. American Fork with Katie and Daniel
3. A beach in California
4. Florence

Four things I am looking forward to this year:
1. Hiking Timp at the end of the month
2. My last semester at BYU
3. Thanksgiving with my family
4. Shepherds' Meal on Christmas Eve with the Lees

I have to admit, this was pretty fun.


L.R.L said...

Aubrey! You love ANTM? Oh yes yes yes!! That's just one more reason why I like you. When the new cycle starts can we have our own ANTM episode watching parties (though they may always be at your place since we don't have cable)? I'll bring treats and a really big baby belly. We could send the boys out back to shoot guns or blow something up, something really boy-ish.

Think it over and let me know :)

Diana said...

Wow! I agreed with you on almost all of those! It's like we're friends from high school or something!

Sara said...

Dude i loved this.
and I never knew you lived in Seattle.
love ya.

Alison Margot Lee said...

Shepards Meal. YES! You'll love it.

allison said...

this is a delightful looking need to add that you're going to see me...we need to do lunch or something (doesn't "do lunch" sound so posh? because I am know)