Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Russell

Today is Russell's 24th birthday.
Russell is good-natured. He is so easy to be around, and his sense of humor couldn't be better.
Russell is an incredible story teller. He gets really into it and I love hearing him laugh and watching his eyes light up.
Russell is a good student. He is diligent in studying and doing his homework. A few days ago I found his binder with all his notes in it. Along with all the class notes, he had written hilarious things in the margins like, "Okay, why do people think it's okay to wear pajamas to class?" or "Wet braids = sick."
Russell always does the dishes without being asked or reminded. He just does them so I won't have to.
Russell will go out and buy me ginger ale and Curly Noodle soup when I'm sick. He takes care of me.
Russell is an inspiration for me. He wakes up early every morning to go to the gym while I stay in bed an extra hour. He loves being healthy.
Russell always does his home teaching. He loves the gospel.
Russell is patient. He taught me to drive a stick shift, even though it was a near impossible task, and I screamed at him quite a bit.
Russell is nice to my friends. He cheerfully comes on all the double dates that I plan for us.
Russell can always make me laugh. When I am having a crummy day he'll pick me up from school and sing to me and tell me funny things and make me feel happy again.
Russell listens to me. He cares about my goals and aspirations and wants me to succeed.
For all these reasons and a million more, I love this boy. He means the world to me.


Stephanie Salmon said...

SO cute!!! Happy Birthday Russ.

Sara said...

Hows the barley breakfast shake? We'll take him to rancheritos to gets his birthday dinner. WHen I was reading your post I started laughing about the story he told on sunday..."FLYING SAUCER ON HER HEAD..." bahahaha. can't i wait to celebrate this weekend. Love you Russ. Happy Birthday.

Jason + Sarah said...

How precious!

Unknown said...

You sound like you have a wonderful relationship! That's great.

mj said...

awe. good husband

Elle Keeps Moving said...

I am still thinking about the comments he writes down in his notes. Pajamas to school? Too hilarious. I love observation humor.

byufish said...

Russ is definitely one of a kind! I love his stories too...and I'm glad we're living closer (Logan was sooooo far away--HA!). Happy Birthday Russell...count the cake last week as a birthday cake!

Tara said...

Russ IS the BEST story teller. I think next time I'm up, I'll have to call Russ over to come tell me some stories! I miss them! Happy Birthday Russ (well, this is a litle late...but I hope you HAD a fabulous birthday!)

allison said...

RUSS! 'Ata boy! Happy (very late) birthday. What ridiculous friends we are to tell you that so late.