Friday, April 16, 2010

I'll Miss It

Yesterday, I went to the BYU Language Fair with 30 of my French II 9th graders. They participated in all kinds of activities including a knowledge culture bowl, spelling bee, reading and writing exams, and learning about Madame Guillotine. The best activity was the choir. I led them in singing "Dirait On" and they sounded incredible. Later we found out that our choir won second place out of about 20 schools! I was thrilled and swollen with pride. My meager directing skills must not have been a total bust. Move over, Mack Wilberg.
Here we are in the courtyard of the JFSB, squinting in the sun and deliriously happy to be second best. I love these kids.
Here I am in front of the school. I can't believe I was a student here. I used to dread coming here, as my days were filled with loneliness and desperation. My best friend went to a different school and I roamed the halls awkward and alone. Just me and my training bra and retainer and khaki overalls. I would have given anything for people to notice me, to shout my name in the hallway and give me a high-five. My, how the tables have turned. My second experience at the junior high has been much more positive and such a boost for my confidence and self-esteem. I can't walk down a hallway without someone yelling "HEY, MADAME LEE!" at the top of their lungs. They like me. They really, really like me. I'm popular now. People know me. They think I'm funny and cool. I feel like Josie Grosie, like I got a second chance at the whole school thing. And this time, I had the time of my life. What a comeback.
This is a giant card that they made and signed for me before I left. Have I mentioned how much I am going to miss these kids? I still think about them all the time. I won't ever forget any of them. I'll always be thinking about them and hoping that they're living up to their potential and excelling in school and going to college and being kind and responsible. And I hope they all invite me to their weddings. Is that too much to ask?


byufish said...

Maybe they will or won't....but can have DREAMS!! I substituted for the choir teacher at that school by the the 90's. What a hoot!! I never knew you were teaching there. But I'm soooo happy you loved your teaching experience!! You CHOSE THE RIGHT!

Sara said...

I love it. I'm so glad you enjoyed the experience back at your old stomping grounds. I'm sure you were the best french teacher they ever had. Love youuu!

imemary said...

I thought you were wearing a funny hat in that last picture, but it turns out it's a wreath on the door.

allison said...

I would have loved you as a teacher too! You were so fun I'm sure. It was so good to see you the other night at the bowling alley. And I just laughed about your Josie Grosie comment, I'm glad that this was such a great experience for you. You are so awesome!

Diane said...

What a great post! You look so cute. I am so excited for Friday. Love you.

Abbie said...

Ah, Aubs I love ya :) I'm glad they love you, adn I love that you compared yourself to Josie Grosie :) let's play, mmkay??