Friday, December 16, 2011


My purse was stolen out of my car last night.

So I am down a wallet.

And credit and debit cards.

And a driver's license.

And a library card.

And ten dollars.

And a social security card.

And my collection of random euro coins.

And all the cute notes from Russ that I have saved for four years.

And a really cute purse that Target no longer sells.

And a Domino's coupon card I bought from one of my students who is on the basketball team.

And my makeup.

Yes, I am at school. Teaching. With not a stitch of makeup on my face.

My students are awfully quiet today, staring at me with a mixture of sympathy and disgust.

It's a perfectly bad dream. 

Too bad I can't wake up.


Stephanie Salmon said...

Oh my gosh, that totally bites!!! I get so nervous that my purse will get stolen. I think I would just die. Good luck getting new stuff. :( Not a good Christmas present. Hopefully the person who stole it gets a big lump of coal in their stocking!!!

Sara said...

Sorry Aub! That's so sad! What a bad way to start out your Christmas break. Miss you. Can't wait to see you guys in Utah.

Richard and Kayla said...

horrid. I had mine stolen once as well, makes you wanna hurl, huh! hope everything works out well!

mj said...

ugh Aubrey!!! That is the worst. I'm so sorry. I would expect that kind of behavior in H-town but not Utah. Blessed Utah!

Diane said...

A mixture of sympathy and disgust!!! I'm practicing Tae-bo so I can drop kick the guy that took your purse. Hope I see him today.

Nan and Aaron said...

Such a bummer. I am sorry :(

allison said...

Oh man Aubrey, that's terrible! And we got your Christmas card and it's hanging up on our wall with all our Christmas cards and it was so great to get it from you! Some day when I do Christmas cards you'll get one from me too...