Thursday, November 4, 2010

Retail Therapy

Today was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. I didn't have time to shower and put on ugly clothes, including a turtleneck that attempted to suffocate me all day. I got stuck teaching calligraphy as a homeroom enrichment, and it's so boring I almost put myself to sleep. I dropped my lunch tray on the ground, scattering chicken teriaki everywhere. My chocolate milk exploded on me. The vice principal came in to observe my class. My students were absolutely rotten without a second thought to my sanity...or authority for that matter. I yelled at them and then felt worse. Russell couldn't pick me up until 6:00, which means I was stuck at the school in my ugly uncomfortable outfit by myself, correcting a mound of papers and watching reruns of The O.C. online.


Then he picked me up and was sweet to me. He took me to get some dinner and then we went to a shoe store, where he let me get a pair of shoes I have wanted for a long time:
Bahahahaha. Just kidding. I got Oxfords, but I can't find a picture of them on the web.

But I LOVE them.


Ryan + Jess said...

Sounds like an awful day with a wonderful ending. I bought some running shoes the other day and there was a lady trying those crazy shoes on. I just can't get past the crazy look of them. Like the resurrection of toe socks...

Ashley said...

awww aub! i know how those days go. I feel i may be having one of them myself. love you! btw love the toe shoes ... i know a few people who actually have them... i'm still not sure how i feel about it :) BUT I did get some new jeans the other day and I couldn't help but think of you and how we tots used to wear the same ones.

Sara said...

HHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAH the picture just killed me.
Are you putting the recipes to good use?
miss you and love you

Jessica said...

Ooo I have definitely had many of those sorry! Retail therapy helps though. Or, when my class gets crazy, I turn the lights off and make my students do yoga on the carpet. Haha. They like the change of pace and it keeps me from wanting to smack them.

byufish said...

Bad days...UGH. At least you can look back and say..."I survived that really UGH day so this isn't so bad." Until you are forced to put your toes in those shoes....that's like....well....I don't know WHAT that is like!!! But I sure wouldn't want to experience those shoes. Nope. Hey...we need a starving students day. But when? WHEN?!

imemary said...

...*sheepish*... I have a pair of Vibrams for running. They're sort of awesome.