Thursday, February 26, 2009


Have you ever had a day where you wake up frustrated and the world seems to want to perpetuate that by making everything go wrong? All you hear is bad news, there's never enough time to get everything done and you have a million things to worry about? That's today.


Unknown said...

Feel better Aubrey!I'm having one of those days too...

Diane said...

Sorry, Aubrey!! Weekend's coming tomorrow. Hang in there.

byufish said...

Oh, let's just say EVERY DAY!! But be happy...tomorrow's Friday, you'll be at the office and I'll try to remember to bring you a treat...what the heck...I'll just go and put it in my bag right now! Love having you in the building...even if I don't come up...and can't...our office has some issues with CP right now so I'm not about to show my face or I'll leave a fist mark on his! I am "AROGAM" and that makes me invincible!! (araogam being my word verification)

Jessica said...

ugghhh i've had many of these days this week...month...semester...

but i love pilates. and i love seeing you there!

and today is f.r.i.d.a.y.

allison said...

Girl, yes, I know those days...especially lately I feel like. I hope your Friday and today have been better! Keep your chin up! (and your middle finger down...aha, I crack myself up). Just think, it can't be worse than M-DARD chewing you out for eating toast and jam in your bedroom...just be glad THOSE days are over. I love you!