Wednesday, October 13, 2010

If It Weren't For Him...

...I would still think that Chuck Norris was a character from a tall tale, like Paul Bunyon.

...My feet would never get rubbed.

...I wouldn't open my phone during the day to find texts like this: "I'm listening to Les Mis music and crying like a fool" or "Baby!" or "My boss isn't here and the riffraff employees are getting dangerously belligerent."

...I would never have such animosity for ESPN.

...Our toilet would still be clogged.

...There would be no one to eat all the weird leftover food I don't want.

...I would never know about great music like Sigur Ros and Arcade Fire and Pinback and Band of Horses.

...I wouldn't be such a harsh critic of movies.

...I would never have jumped off a bridge into the River Seine.

...I would never feel so loved.


Sara said...

I love you and Russ. The text messages your wrote down crack me up. we really miss you guys. :(

(p.s. Allie Randall (don't know her maiden nam) Is in our ward!)

allison said...

I love it. I still remember the hilarious time you guys had spouting off terrible quotes from Beowolf (is that even how you spell that) after you saw it in Paris. (that was the movie right?)

Alison Margot Lee said...

I love you guys. It was so much fun having you up in Logan! :)

Vanessa said...

Eeeeew i forgot you jumped in the Seine...ew.

Also, we both live in salt lake and we neeeeever see each other. Acceptable?



mj said...

Aubie. You guys are cool. I love you guys and hope we can skype again one day. Or just see eachother soon. I'm coming to Utah soon!