Thursday, February 23, 2012

Out of the Mouths of 14-Year-Olds

Posts without pictures are boring, but posting pictures of your students is illegal and I don't have any anyway.

Here is some hilarious dialogue that has taken place in my classroom in the last little while:

"How do you say poop in French?"

Student: "I left my pencil in ceramics class!"
Me: "Uh you want to borrow mine?"
Student: "No, mine is a mechanical pencil, it's special. Wait, I have it. No I don't. Yes I do. No I don't."

Me: "Everyone, it's time for the French song of the week."
Student 1 (groaning): "Noooooo. I hate French music."
Student 2: "At least it's better than really boring music like Einstein or Mozart."

Student 1: "Does anyone here drive a minivan?"
Student 2: "Madame Lee drives a minivan."
Student 1: "Who would drive a minivan if they don't have kids?"
Me: "I do not drive a minivan."
Student 2: "Madame Lee, don't deny what you drive."

Me: "How was the rules refresher assembly?"
Student 1: "Boring and stupid."
Me: "What rules were refreshed?"
Student 1: "No drugs and no swearing and no mooning."
Student 2: "What's mooning?"
Student 1: "It's when you pull your pants down so everyone sees your butt cheeks."

Me: "Out of all the French teens we read about, pick one that you'd like to hang out with and get to know better."
Student: "They're all lame!"

Student: "What else should I say in my letter to a soldier?"
Me: "Things about you. Talk about your interests. How about I like math and spaghetti?"
Student: "I don't like spaghetti!"
Me: "Well, what do you like then?"
Student: "Spaghetti's okay..."

Student: "How do you say your mom in French?"
Me: "Ta mere."
Student: How do you say is so fat?"
Me: "No."
Student: "Please?"

Me: "How was Reality Town?"
Student: "It wasn't even a town. It was a bunch of lame booths in the gym, so ghetto."

Student 1 (reading off his hand): "Hey everybody, there's a party tonight at _______ South _______ West in Sandy."
Student 2: "That's my address."
Student 1 (laughing hysterically): "The funny part is that there's actually no party, and I said your address."

Me: "My first CD I bought was the Tarzan soundtrack."
Student 1: "Waste of money!"
Me: "I listened to it all the time, and it cost me twelve hard-earned dollars."
Student 1: "Twelve dollars back then is probably like a hundred dollars now."

Me: "How was the perfect attendance party? I heard you guys got donuts!"
Student 1: "Yeah, but they were the same donuts we got at the maturation class last year, so they remind me of that."
Student 2: "Nobody wants crappy maturation donuts."

Me: "Okay, everyone, please put the textbooks away carefully on the shelf...don't just chuck them."
Student: "Everyone, chuck the books!"


Jessica said...

Love this. Student stories are the best, and fourteen is such a great, awkward age.

Janna said...

how do you say is fat?-- my fave

love you and this post.

Calloways said...

Awesome. Loved this post. Ryan keeps saying "Mom WHAT are you luaghing at?"

bonbon said...


Please post more of these!

Also it soudns like yoru school gives tons of awesome stuff to the students! Reality town, rules refresher, assemblies galore!

And I didn't know it was illegal to post pictures of your students. oops. Guilty as charged. I guess it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission?

Linda J said...

I love it when you post funny things about your life - it sounds like you get to be with some great kids, never a dull moment. I loved that they wanted you to own up to driving a minivan. And I have to ask what was "Reality town" besides an oxymoron?
Also I saw that a french animated movie is coming out called "A Cat in Paris" and thought it would make a fun field trip for your students and for you since it is set in Paris. I didn't check the rating though.

allison said...

ahahahahah, I love it.

VessandAngie said...

hahaha! That was hilarious. Do you just laugh all the time? I would.
I miss you

Alicia Gomez said...

Madame Lee, Why do you put things up about Us XD HAHAHAHA
- I am So telling the class!
And just If you're wondering I am not stocking you.. I just happened to go on this page I was trying to find that one website that we were playing in class.

Diana, Jason, and Blake said...

Oh my gosh, this is hilarious! I needed a good laugh today.