Monday, September 21, 2009


Let me tell you about one of the most unpleasant things in the world, which I experienced last night. I was peacefully sleeping, dreaming about having a conversation with one of my co-workers. In the dream, I started to feel my throat tighten and my breath contract and suddenly, I woke up and sat straight up in bed, choking and coughing. Russell started mumbling so I ran out into the hallway and coughed and coughed and coughed it out, into a pillow, until I finally calmed down and caught my breath again. Then I lay awake for several hours, afraid of falling asleep again and choking to death.

Why does this happen? There is nothing worse than being jolted awake in the middle of the night by a coughing fit. I would feel comforted to know that this happened to other people. Russell seems to think it's a figment of my imagination, which it definitely is not.

While we're talking about unpleasant matters, let's talk about the idiot Jerrold Nadler, a Democrat representative from New York. He is one of the many Democrats in Congress who are challenging a bill passed in 1996 called the Defense of Marriage Act. This is what Nadler said about the Act, which defines marriage as between a man and woman and instructs states and the federal government not to recognize same-sex marriages:

"Today, we celebrate the first step toward overturning the Defense of Marriage Act, and sending that ugly law back to the history books where it belongs."

Excuse me, Nadler. That ugly law is what keeps society stable. Only a man and a woman together have the natural biological capacity to conceive children, which also is the only way to keep society running. Strong families are where children learn moral strenths, traditions, and values. While governments did not invent marriage, throughout the ages governments of all kinds have recognized and affirmed marriage as an essential institution in preserving social stability and perpetuating life itself. I am scared to think about living in a society in which my own government refuses to recognize that.

My testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel and the apostles who lead it is stronger now than ever before. The Family Proclamation was given in 1995. President Hinckley gave this reason for its issue: "The family is under attack. All across the world families are falling apart." That was almost fifteen years ago, and think of how much more the importance of marriage and family is being undermined in our society. It's sickening. I guess the most that any of us can do is hold fast to what we know to be true and live the best we can, despite the fact that the world really is going down the crapper.


zookie said...

I'm glad you are saying those things that should be said. It's so easy to take a deep breath and ignore the idiots out there when that breath could be much better spent on putting them in their place.

A dream about talking to a co-worker? It's time for you to think about school and not your gong-show job. Baha!

Sara said...

I didn't even know anything about that guy. Should I? is it all over the news? Oh wait- I DONT HAVE A TV. (and I rarely read the newspapers) however I like what you said. But about the weird choking in your sleep thing--- THAT IS SCARY!!!!!!!!

Abbie said...

Go Aub! That just makes me mad.

byufish said...

Wow....where was THIS conversation hidden last night? Way to take a stand Aubrey...and it was probably Nadler who sneaked into your apartment and was choking you last night!!

It's said...

Tron totally would have woken up if I sat up coughing and choking. Sounds like Russ sleeps like I do. ha ha ha.

allison said...

perfectly stated Aubrey!