Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'm Going To Have Nightmares

Russell and I just watched The Dark Crystal. I am already scared of Muppets. Everything about them and their Muppet ways makes me feel uneasy. This movie was absolutely terrifying. Jim Henson is a total creep. How on earth did Russell and his siblings watch this as young children? Be warned. If you stumble across this film, know that its freaky bizarreness is not for the fainthearted. That is all.


Abbie said...

Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey Aubrey, You cannot use the Dark Crystal to judge Jim Henson and his Muppets. I've never seen it, but I've seen other muppet movies and shows - and they're my favorite things on earth!!! So watch a good one, I'll even watch it with you. :) Movie Night!!!

byufish said...

What? You're having nightmares?! It's not like they are mechanical sharks with weird, fake eyes....or talking dolls hiding knives behind their backs...or whiny vampire wannabes, or even self-centered vampires themselves. They are soft, large-eyed stuffed animals!! It's a classic however so I think you should find one thing good about it...come can do it!!

zookie said...

I will never watch a muppet movie. Ew ew ew ew ew! They are gross and totally UNcool. I'd rather pretend to be a Prince of Persia and get skewered by spikes as I run frantically from sword-bearing sultans.

Sara said...

Come over and we will watch the Labyrinth.

Calloways said...

Hilarious! I went to a RS birthday party yesterday and everyone was to bring a white elephant gift. Someone brought a VHS of the Dark Crystal and all these people were like, "Best movie ever." I was pretty sure that I had seen it, and pretty sure that I had nightmares! Hope you slept alright last night!!

imemary said...

Ha ha, Matt and I make the "mmmmMMMMmmmmmmm!" sound of that sneaky Skeksi all the time. (Here is a youtube clip of it if you don't know what I'm talking about: )

imemary said...

...that being said, I agree that it's a creepy movie.

Anonymous said...

I love dark crystal! I haven't gotten Glen to watch it yet though. MMMMmmmmMMM friend!

Elle Keeps Moving said...

oh my gosh, this is hilarious. i have a few different scenarios running through my head of how this whole viewing experience went down in the Lee home. so funny.

It's said...

Oh my gosh! I have always been creeped out by Muppets! No one has ever understood my icky feelings for them.

allison said...

that does look freaky. did you know that steven's favorite movie is muppets in space? not joking.

also...we bought ear candles, ahahahah...we'll let you know how it goes....sick...