Friday, January 21, 2011

Why I Do What I Do

Today marks the end of 2nd quarter for the school year. It's hard to believe that I am halfway through my first year of teaching. It has been so fun and exhausting and stressful and fantastic and horrible and amusing. Kind of like being married. Haha.

I have a lot to celebrate about my first half. I feel like I've grown immensely and improved significantly as a teacher. In some areas, however, I have regrets and would definitely do things differently if I had the chance. The beautiful thing about teaching? Every day I have the chance to make a change, to try something new, to implement a new method. And by using a trial-and-error system, I keep getting better and better.

The best part about my job: My kids. I love their hilarious perspective of the world and their raw honesty about everything. They make me laugh every day.

Some of my favorite things I heard my students say that I don't want to forget:

"You look like you're sixteen. I thought you were a student."

"Who's single? Wait, where did that come from?"

Me: "A girl in another class lost her French-English dictionary. Has anyone seen it?"
Student: "You're just asking us that because we're Mexican."

Student (sees me maneuvering through the crowded lunchroom with a tray of food): "Hey Teacher, how would you like it if I threw that all over the floor?"

Me (trying to get students to guess the meaning of la colle, which means glue): "It's something you used a lot at school when you were little."
Student: "THE BATHROOM!"
Me: "No, you used to eat it."
Student: "GLUE!"

Me: "We're having a class party tomorrow, and you're welcome to bring some..."
Student: "French wine? You can't have a party without it."

Me: "I want you guys to respond to Pierre's letter in French, talking about your life and what you like to do."
Student: "You want me to respond with personal questions? How do you say none of your business?"

Student (sees me before school with no make-up on): "Woah, Teacher, you look really tired and sick."

Student 1 (copying down a sentence from the board): "Qu'est-ce que tu"
Student 2: "Russell's a poor sport."


Elle Keeps Moving said...

Finally got the memo that your blog is public again. I'm so so so happy about this and this post is so hilarious.

zookie said...


byufish said...

Oh how I LOVE LOVE LOVE your students' comments! I'm so glad you're a teacher....I would have taken french if you were in my school....maybe....well....naw. Sorry!!

mj said...

ha. i love hearing the comments. you're the best teacher. i wish i could've come to your party.

allison said...

Haha, you have some real gems for students. I particularly appreciate the one that asked how you'd like it if they threw your food all over the floor. Excellent.

I'm so excited for you that you are teaching French. I wish I had a way of continuing my French. Your kids are probably way smarter than me, I'd probably be the dumbest one in your class.

Brian Lee said...

funny. have you bought tickets?